Annals of Dyslexia (Annals) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the scientific study of dyslexia, its co-morbid conditions, and other language-learning disorders, especially those affecting literacy acquisition. Primary consideration for publication is given to original studies, significant reviews, and well-documented reports of evidence-based instructional practices to remediate and prevent reading difficulties. Papers in this leading journal on dyslexia explore theory-based practices, with an emphasis on interventions and the role of teacher knowledge and training. Only original papers are considered for publication. We encourage and often solicit submissions from both members of IDA and external researchers, educators, and clinicians concerned with language disabilities.
The IDA Board of Directors has a fiduciary responsibility for the organization and is also charged with developing and supporting the IDA mission. IDA’s Chief Executive Officer, IDA Board Chair, Scientific Advisory Board, and editorial boards and their leadership may suggest topics and authors.
Annals is currently published by Springer. Subscriptions and article downloads are available from the Springer website. IDA members access Annals from Springer via the IDA website as a benefit of their membership. The journal Reading and Writing is also available to IDA members via the IDA members-only site.
Editor(s) of Annals:
- Serves for a period of three years, with negotiable extension
- Produces three issues of Annals per year
- Selects Associate Editor(s), Editorial Board members, and ad-hoc (outside) reviewer
- Operates within IDA’s budget–allowance for Annals operating expenses
- Assures that the journal is printed on schedule
- Revises Guidelines for Contributors as needed and communicates this information to Springer and IDA staff assigned
- Prepares bi-annual written progress reports including budget of operating expenses
- Communicates regularly with IDA
- Meets with IDA staff annually at the IDA Conference and as needed
- Represents Annals at IDA Conferences, (soliciting manuscripts) identifying potential submitters
- Assists in ensuring a smooth transition of a future incoming Editor
Journal Review and Submission Process
- Alerts Springer and IDA staff person assigned of changes in Editorial Board membership and Ad Hoc reviewers.
- Determines content (themes, sections) of journal
- Recruits and collaborates with guest editor(s) to develop at least one theme-based issue per year
- Invites authors to contribute (as needed).
- Oversees advertising of “Call for Papers”
- Reviews incoming manuscripts and determines suitability of submitted manuscripts for peer review
- Selects reviewers (or may reject the manuscript in its present form, suggesting a rewrite before peer review)
- Notifies reviewers (at least two—up to four) of date the review is due and follows up with reminder when reviews are late
- Determines (with Springer) which manuscripts will appear in which issue (the status of each manuscript can be monitored on Springer’s website)
- Conducts all communication with authors regarding status of manuscript (accept, reject, revise), with date revision is due
- Ensures a sufficient flow of (accepted) submitted manuscripts to realize the (advertised) publication schedule of the journal
- Prepares Table of Contents, Ad Hoc Reviewers list, and introduction journal pages
- Monitors page count for bulk mailing and budgetary purposes
- Proofreads all contents after first and final typeset editions
- Contract terms and stipend are negotiable
- Complimentary annual conference registration to IDA annual conference
- Recognition as Editor-in-Chief in Annals and on Springer and IDA websites
- Reimbursement for Editorial Assistant (see Editorial Assistant below)
Associate Editor(s) (up to two):
- Advises and assists Editor at his/her discretion on tasks related to the preparation of Annals
- Suggests and obtains reviewers as requested
- Functions as the Interim Editor of Annals in the event the Editor is not able to fulfill his/her role
- Attends IDA’s annual conference and other related conferences, to assist the Editor in (soliciting manuscripts) Identifying potential submitters
- Participates in meetings/conference calls if/when necessary with Editor
Journal Review and Submission Process
- Serves as a reviewer as requested
- Advises Editor on selection of articles
- Stipend
- Administrative support
Editorial Assistance: The Editor of Annals may submit for reimbursement for up to $2,000 annually for secretarial support, supplies, and services directly related to editorial work for Annals.
- Assists Editor at his/her discretion on tasks related to the preparation of Annals
- Types Editor’s communication, sending emails, etc.
- Records editorial process (such as maintaining information on status of articles and communication with authors; checking deadlines; sending reminder notices)
- Does filing, copying, faxing, and other secretarial duties
- Contract terms are negotiable
IDA Staff Assigned to Annals of Dyslexia:
- Responds to calls, emails, and any written requests to IDA for information about Annals
- Monitors status of submissions, production, and publication
- Prepares front matter pages for Annals and sends updates to Springer, which includes Editor/Associate Editors, Editorial Board, and Scientific Advisory Board page; copyright page, front/back cover, and any announcements that IDA wants to publish, such as Editor-in-Chief recruitment and call for papers for the IDA conference
- Assists Editor with correspondence related to Annals as needed
- Provides member mailing list to Springer three times a year
Deadline for Applications – March 15, 2017
Please direct inquiries to: Annals of Dyslexia Editor Search, c/o Megan Friedman at