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In this fast-paced world, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest news and research from so many different sources. What’s true? What’s not? Who is reliable? Who is just trying to sell the latest fad? In an effort to keep you in the loop, we have provided a few of our favorite links below. This month, we consider the effects of reading digital text, the debunking of ADHD myths, and honoring Dr. Seuss by encouraging children to read.
- Are Digital Devices Changing the Way We Read? What Is Reading Electronic Text Doing to Our Brains?
This article is an “oldie, but a goodie” and worth reading again. If you feel like you read digital content differently from text on paper, it’s probably not your imagination. Researchers are finding that different parts of the brain are used for reading onscreen text versus paper. This may mean diminishment of the ability to do “deep reading,” or concentrated, immersive reading of complicated texts. - “ADHD Myths: Setting the Record Straight”
ADHD is a widely misunderstood condition—despite the large number of children and adults with the diagnosis. Debunking ADHD myths and misinformation should help to ensure that those with ADHD receive appropriate treatment. - Honoring Dr. Seuss with “Read Across America Day
“Read Across America Day” is a day for children of all ages to celebrate reading. The day was begun in 1997 after a committee at the National Education Association (NEA) compared reading to football and decided that if children can have pep rallies for football, they should have pep rallies for reading. And what better day to celebrate than Dr. Seuss’s birthday? - IDA Refines Knowledge and Practice Standards
The International Dyslexia Association’s Educator Training Initiatives (ETI) Committee has refined the Knowledge and Practice Standards (KPS) to bring greater specificity to how knowledge of the standards could be assessed in the context of coursework and how practice applications of Structured Literacy could be demonstrated in supervised practicum contexts. - Coping With the Transition to College or a Job
“Dyslexia and Transitions,” the 2018 winter issue of Perspectives on Language and Literacy helps people with dyslexia cope with this new reality.
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