Examiner January 2014

the eXaminer – January 2014

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In This Issue
DSM-5 Changes: What are the Implications?
Dyslexia and Visuospatial Processing Strengths: New Research Sheds Light
Rep. Cassidy Introduces Dyslexia Resolution
IDA is Fighting for Change
Loss of a Dyslexia Advocate
Interview: IDA Past President Marcia Henry

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Albuquerque, NM 

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January 2014

DSM-5 Changes: What are the Implications?


In May 2012, we brought to your attention that the American Psychological Association was revising the Fourth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which included greatly changing the section on specific learning disabilities. Months later, after numerous petitions, countless discussions, various position statements, and many meetings, the DSM-5 was released.  The changes were significant, but perhaps not as bad as predicted.  Dr. Rosemary Tannock, a member of the DSM-5 work group, explains just what those changes mean. Read More.

Dyslexia and Visuospatial Processing Strengths: New Research Sheds Light



Do people with dyslexia have superior “visuospatial processing” abilities compared to those without dyslexia? It is an intriguing question. Anecdotal reports and clinical observations dating back to the earliest days of dyslexia’s discovery support the popular belief that dyslexia has upsides, particularly in visuospatial domains. Now, science is providing tantalizing new hints that might move us closer to answering this question with support from a body of empirical work. Read More.

Rep. Cassidy Introduces Dyslexia Resolution


On January 10, 2014, Rep. Bill Cassidy introduced House Resolution 456, calling on schools and State and local educational agencies to recognize that dyslexia has significant educational implications that must be addressed. The resolution, which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, addresses these critical, significant educational implicationsRead More.

IDA is Fighting for Change


Only 34% of third grade students (in the United States) are reading at proficient levels. One of the key reasons is that many teachers of reading are using ineffective instruction. Why? Teachers have not been taught how to teach reading effectively.. The techniques that help children with dyslexia learn are the same approaches that work best for all beginning readers. Yet, in the vast majority of classrooms in America, reading is being taught using approaches that hundreds of trial studies have shown are not effectively teaching our children to read. Read More.

Loss of IDA Friend


The Examiner team regrets to inform you of the recent death of Jean Foss, M. Ed., at age 75. In 1994, Jean was the President of the New England Branch of what was then the Orton Dyslexia Society. She was the Director of Clinical Teaching and Research at Pine Ridge School in Vermont. She created Performance Objectives for the Orton-Gillingham Approach with pretests and posttests and criteria for mastery of each objective. When Pine Ridge closed, Jean joined the staff of the Stern Center. Read More.

Interview: IDA Past President Marcia Henry


IDA’s Historical Archives Committee took on the task of videotaping interviews of all the previous IDA Presidents who are still alive. A previous Vice-president, Louisa Moats, was also interviewed.  The interviews were carried out at the 2012 Annual Conference in Baltimore. Members of the committee conducted the interviews. They are: Wilson Anderson, Karen Dakin, Marcia Henry, Amy Lawrence, Martha Renner, and Mark Westervelt. Mark provided the technical support for the videotaping. The videos, starting with Drake Duane, MD., appear in The Examiner. This month we have Martha Renner interviewing Marcia Henry, PH.D. Thank you to all who made these videos, so rich in IDA history, as well as rich in the history of the field of dyslexia, possible. Click Here to view Dr. Henry’s interview.  Click Here to view the Past-Presidents Video Library. 

Examiner Editor: Karen E. Dakin, M.Ed., Secretary IDA Board of Directors
Examiner Social Media Editor/Strategist: Carolyn D. Cowen, M.Ed., Founding Board Member, Literate Nation
Examiner Managing Editor: Kristen L. Penczek, M.A., IDA Interim Executive Director

Examiner Assistant Managing Editor: Lauren Ritchie, IDA Conference Coordinator 


If you have a recommendation for an article topic, or wish to provide an article in its entirety for consideration to appear in a future issue, please email  info@interdys.org

The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) is pleased to present a forum for information to 
benefit its constituents. It is IDA’s policy to not recommend or endorse any specific program,

product, institution, company, or instructional material, noting that there are a number of such
that present the critical components of instruction as defined by 

IDA’s Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading. Any program, product, institution, company, 
or instructional material carrying the IDA Recognized seal meets the IDA Standards.  

Opinions expressed in Examiner articles and/or via links do not necessarily reflect those of IDA.


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