IDA Recognized as an “Outstanding Organization” by the Child Mind Institute and Crowdsourced Votes

April 2019

The Child Mind Institute is a national, independent nonprofit dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders. Their annual Change Maker Awards celebrate individuals and organizations who raise awareness and dispel stigma, help children and families directly, or work to transform the way we understand and treat mental health and learning differences. 

This spring, the Child Mind Institute nominated the International Dyslexia Association for their Outstanding Organization award that is won by crowdsourced voting. “This award recognizes an organization for their uncompromising support of young people who struggle with mental health and learning disorders and the professionals who work to help them is results-oriented and have proven success.”

IDA wishes to thank all of its members, volunteers, staff and the entire dyslexia community for contributing to 70 years of changing lives and for taking the time to vote for a cause that has an impact on every person struggling to do something most of us take for granted—read. 

See what other organizations and individuals are being recognized at the Change Maker Awards here.


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