On January 10, 2014, Rep. Bill Cassidy introduced House Resolution 456, calling on schools and State and local educational agencies to recognize that dyslexia has significant educational implications that must be addressed.
The resolution, which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, addresses vital aspects about dyslexia, both positive and challenging:
- occurrence among intelligent individuals
- high prevalence and persistence
- strengths of higher cognitive functions often present
- neurological origin
- the need for evidence-based education
How can you help? Urge your representative to support the resolution.
Step 1: Find your representative by clicking here.
Step 2: Send an email to your representative. Here is a sample of what the email may look like.
Subject: House Resolution 456 Support
Dear [Representative] [Name],
This letter is to inform you of my House Resolution 456, Calling on schools and State and local educational agencies to recognize that dyslexia has significant educational implications that must be addressed.
The resolution addresses numerous vital aspects about dyslexia including the need for evidence based interventions. Millions of children are affected by dyslexia, and as a result are struggling greatly in school. H.R. 456 will make great strides to ensure these children are given the attention they deserve and need.
Thank you for your time and taking this into consideration.
[Your address, e-mail and phone number here]
Step 3: Make a quick phone call to your representative. Here is a script provided by GovTrak:
Them: Representative Harris’s office, how can I help you?
You: Hi, my name is [Your Name], and I’m a resident of the __ district. I support House Resolution 456 Calling on schools and State and local educational agencies to recognize that dyslexia has significant educational implications that must be addressed. Can I count on the representative’s support?
Them: Thank you for calling. Can I get your name again and your address?
You: Sure my name is ____ and my address is ____
Them: I will let the representative know you called.
You: Thank you for your time.
Click Here for the complete resolution.
Track the resolutions progress here.
Click Here for the official press release.
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