Screener test



The Adult Reading History Questionnaire (ARHQ) is a self-report screening tool designed to measure risk of reading disability (i.e. dyslexia) in adults (Lefly & Pennington, 2000). The ARHQ asks adults about their own reading history and current reading habits in order to estimate the risk that they may have a reading disability. Normative scores are based on actual testing, and Lefly & Pennington (2000) found that the ARHQ is reliable and valid. It is important to note that the ARHQ is only a screener and does not constitute a formal evaluation or diagnosis. If you have concerns about your reading skills, we recommend that you contact a licensed psychologist or your primary care physician about pursuing a more thorough evaluation to investigate the nature of these concerns.

Sex: Male Female
Above Average Average Below Average
1. How would you compare your current reading speed to that of others of the same age and education?
A great deal Some None
2. How much reading do you do in conjunction with your work (if retired or not working, how much did you read when you were working?)
None Some A great deal
3. How much difficulty did you have learning to spell in elementary school?
Above Average Average Below Average
4. How would you compare your current spelling to that of others of the same age and education?
No Talked about it, but didn't do it Repeated 1 grade Repeated 2 grades Dropped out
5. Did your parents ever consider having you repeat any grades in school due to academic failure (not illness)?
No A Great Deal
6. Do you ever have difficulty remembering people’s names or names of places
7. Do you have difficulty remembering addresses, phone numbers, or dates?
8. Do you have difficulty remembering complex verbal instructions?
9. Do you currently reverse the order of letters or numbers when you read or write?
More than 10 6-10 2-5 1-2 None
10. How many books do you read for pleasure each year?
5 or More 3-4 Regularly 1-2 Regularly 1-2 Irregularly None
11. How many magazines do you read for pleasure each month?
Everyday Once a Week Once in a While Rarely Never
12. Do you read daily (Monday-Friday) newspapers?
Completely Every Sunday Scan each week Once in a while Rarely Never
13. Do you read a newspaper on Sunday?
Loved School; Favorite activity Hated School; Tried to get out of going
14. Which of the following most nearly describes your attitude toward school when you were a child
None A great Deal
15. How much difficulty did you have learning to read in elementary school?
No help Help from friends Help from teachers/ parents Tutors or special class 1 year Tutor or special class 2+ years
16. How much extra help did you need when learning to read in elementary school?
No A Great Deal
17. Did you ever reverse the order of letters or numbers when you were a child?
18. Did you have difficulty learning letter and/or color names when you were a child?
Above Average Average Below Average
19. How would you compare your reading skill to that of others in your elementary classes?
Not at all Less than most About the same More than most Much more than most
20. All students struggle from time to time in school. Compared to others in your classes, how much did you struggle to complete your work?
No; enjoyed and did well Some A Great Deal; did poorly
21. Did you experience difficulty in high school or college English classes?
Very positive Very negative
22. What is your current attitude toward reading?
A Great Deal Some None
23. How much reading do you do for pleasure?

1. Add up the circled numbers and record that as the Total Score.
2. If the respondent is MALE, the following cutoffs apply:
Total Score <37 = Minimal Risk
Total Score 37-42 = Moderate Risk
Total Score >42 = Significant Risk
3. If the respondent is FEMALE, the following cutoffs apply:
Total Score <34 = Minimal Risk
Total Score 34-39 = Moderate Risk
Total Score >39 = Significant Risk
See below for Handouts corresponding to Risk Group.