Symposium Chair: Marty Hougen, Ph.D., CEEDAR Center, University of Florida
What is RTI and how is it different from MTSS? What is the role of a classroom teacher? A specialist? An administrator? Those who prepare teachers and school leaders? How do I know if the model is working? What is the difference among the tiers? How do I know if an intervention is effective?
This interactive symposium will answer these questions about RTI, MTSS and more. Join nationally renowned researchers, teachers, and administrators to discuss research, resources, tools, and practical implementation tips to improve student outcomes through multi-tier instruction.
Introduction & Overview of Session
Marty Hougen, Ph.D., CEEDAR Center, University of Florida
This overview will explain MTSS, RTI and the different tiers. The essential elements of a successful multi-tier model will be outlined, including how students with dyslexia can be served. Several resources for more in-depth information will be shared.
Beyond What Works in RTI: When Research Meets Reality
Deborah Simmons, Center on Disability and Development, Texas A&M University
In this session, Dr. Simmons will discuss the challenges and promise of interventions when implemented in authentic settings. Based on her research she will address the following questions: Under what conditions are interventions effective? How do we use data to intensify interventions? What works (or doesn’t work) with older struggling readers?
Using Data to Design Intensive Intervention
Rebecca Zumeta Edmonds, National Center on Intensive Intervention, American Institutes for Research
This presentation will explain how to use data-based individualization to provide intensive interventions for students with severe and persistent learning and behavioral needs.
RTI Tools and Resources for Elementary and Secondary Schools
Pam Bell, Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk, The University of Texas at Austin
Learn about free tools and resources that will help schools implement their RTI frameworks efficiently and effectively. Campus leaders can use these tools to design campus action plans and monitor progress toward school-wide goals. Teachers can find example lessons, free online professional development courses, and information for planning instruction and interventions.
Implementation of an Effective MTSS Framework
Abigail Foley, American Institutes for Research
Matthew Kirchmann, PS 314, Fairmont Neighborhood School, Bronx, New York
Yassmin Lee & Andrew Zachry, Diamond Hill-Jarvis High School, Fort Worth ISD, Texas
Julie Nixon, Caledonia Community Schools, Michigan
A panel of teachers and administrators will share how they have made the MTSS model work in their schools and their efforts to ensure fidelity of implementation. Bring your district and building-based questions to learn more about strategic planning for professional development, stakeholder collaboration, scheduling, and allocating resources to ensure high-quality instruction, intervention, and assessment at all tiers.
Best practices to Prepare Teachers and Leaders for Inclusive Schools
Mary Brownell, Director, Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform Center (CEEDAR Center), University of Florida
Tessie Rose Bailey, College of Education, Montana State University Billings
David Chard, Dean, Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education and Human Development, Southern Methodist University
Steve Goodman, Director, Michigan’s Integrated Behavior & Learning Support Initiative (MiBLSi)
Join the discussion about preparing teachers and leaders to implement an effective MTSS framework. Pre-service educator preparation and in-service professional development opportunities can create an aligned, coherent system of support for educators.