Examiner August 2014

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In This Issue
Taking Bold Steps to Improve Teacher Knowledge and Practice
Dr. Cheesman’s App Chat: Math Skills
Join Us On Social Media
Spotlight on IDA Recognized Programs: Southeastern University
Video Library: Sylvia Richardson

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Back to School
Conference Deal
In honor of back to school season, we are offering a $10 discount on conference registration now through August 31.

Discount Code: 

Upcoming Branch Events
September 20, 2014
Hillsboro, OR

NHIDA Annual Fall Conference
September 26, 2014
Bedford, NH

Annual Fall Symposium
September 27, 2014
Houston, TX 


Click Here 

for a listing of all branches and events. 

August 2014

IDA Takes Bold Steps to Improve Teacher Knowledge and Practice 


As current Chair and previous member of IDA’s Professional Development Committee, Dr. Suzanne Carreker helped to create IDA’s Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading.We asked Dr. Carreker questions about the following:

  • IDA’s process and rationale for creation of the Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading
  • IDA’s goals for use of the KPS as a framework for course content in university-based teacher training programs that prepare teachers of reading
  • IDA’s process and rationale for shifting from use of the term recognition of these university-based teacher training programs to accreditation

  • IDA’s plans for creation of a certification exam and certification of individuals who teach reading
  • How credentialing relates to IDA’s process for reviewing university programs for accreditation and reviewing qualifications of individuals for certification.

 Read More.

Dr. Cheesman’s App Chat: Games to Boost Math Skills


There are times when we want kids to put down the iPad or tablet and to play traditional games (e.g., dominoes, board games, card games) with humans, particularly when the whole family is on vacation and it has been raining for days. Playing traditional games is beneficial on many social and academic levels and can provide real-time practice for children in both reading and math skills. Read More.

Join Us On Social Media & Win! 


This year the IDA Annual Conference is going social! We will be holding contests via our social media accounts such as FacebookTwitter, and Instagram with prizes including Starbucks gift cards, free conference registration and more! Be sure to follow us to stay up-to-date on all of the contests and conference information. Don’t forget to use the Annual IDA Conference hashtag, #dyslexiacon! Read More.

Spotlight on IDA Recognized Programs: Southeastern University


The International Dyslexia Association reviews and recognizes university and college teacher

training programs that meet IDA’s Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading. This document guides endorsement of programs that prepare teachers of reading and/or programs that specialize in preparing teachers to work with students who have reading difficulties and disabilities. This month, the Examiner is pleased to profile the BS/MEd 5-Year Exceptional Student Education (4+1) and BS Elementary Education Programs at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. Click here to see all the programs IDA has recognized thus farRead More.

Video Library: Sylvia Richardson 



Dr. Sylvia Onesti Richardson, the eighth President of the Orton Dyslexia Society, now the International Dyslexia Association, was described by Rosemary Bowler upon her presentation of the Samuel T. Orton Award in 1992 to Sylvia as “perhaps the most articulate, traveled, and acclaimed spokesperson for dyslexia in the nation.” Sylvia’s involvement with the education, speech-language and medical communities helped to cross-fertilize the cutting-edge research with which she and other members of the Society were engaged, thus helping to disseminate this critical information. She has written or helped to write over 100 publications and has received honors and awards from a number of organizations.

Having been active in so many organizations supporting learning disabilities, why has the Orton Society, now the International Dyslexia Association, been so fortunate to have secured Dr. Richardson’s devotion to its mission? In this video Karen Dakin interviews Dr. Richardson who explains why she found her home with the IDA and, with her usual wit and intelligence, so much more about her remarkable career.  Watch the Interview.

Examiner Editor: Nancy Cushen White, Ed.D., Learning Specialist, Clinical Professor, University California San Francisco and Past IDA National Board Member
Examiner Social Media Editor/Strategist: Carolyn D. Cowen, M.Ed., Founding Board Member, Literate Nation
Examiner Managing Editor: Kristen L. Penczek, M.A., IDA Interim Executive Director

Examiner Assistant Managing Editor: Lauren Klinedinst, IDA Manager of Conferences 


If you have a recommendation for an article topic, or wish to provide an article in its entirety for consideration to appear in a future issue, please email  info@interdys.org

The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) is pleased to present a forum for information to benefit its constituents. It is IDA’s policy to not recommend or endorse any specific program, 

product, institution, company, or instructional material, noting that there are a number of such 

that present the critical components of instruction as defined by 

IDA’s Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading

Any program, product, institution, company, or instructional material carrying the IDA Recognized Accredited seal meets the IDA Standards. Opinions expressed in Examiner articles and/or via links do not necessarily reflect those of IDA.


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  Baltimore, MD  21204

  phone: 800-222-3123

  fax: 410-321-5069
