Examiner March 2014

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In This Issue
New Scientific Research Sheds Light on the Phoneme Debate
Accrediting University Programs that Meet the IDA Standards
Supporting Legislative Efforts in South Carolina
2013 Conference Audio Recordings & Handouts
Interview: IDA Past President Harley Tomey

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Upcoming Events

Pennsylvania Branch Pittsburgh Region 2014 Conference

April 5, 2014
Pittsburgh, PA

Iowa Branch 2014 Spring Conference

April 12, 2014
Cedar Rapids, IA

 Dining for Dyslexia

April 13, 2014
Denver, CO

Click Here 

for a listing of all branches and events. 

March 2014

New Scientific Evidence Sheds Light on the Phoneme Debate



A study published recently may shed light on the long-held debate of whether “representation” of phonemes (i.e., individual sound-segments such as the /g/ in <girl>) and/or “access” to this representation is impaired in people with dyslexia (Boets et al., 2013). Studies such as these may help inform development of neuro-scientific evidence-based and targeted interventions. Read More.


Accrediting University Programs that Meet the IDA Standards

The second round of university teacher training programs is underway. Ten universities from around the United States submitted their program materials to IDA in January. They are currently being evaluated by a team of three reviewers assigned to each university teacher training program. Following the conclusion of the review period, the newly accredited programs will be announced by IDA in May. 
Read More.     


Supporting Legislative Efforts in South Carolina


IDA branches play a vital role in dyslexia awareness, information dissemination, and legislative and advocacy efforts.  Branch representatives are often on the front lines in the fight for our kids. Heidi Bishop, President  of the IDA Branch of South Carolina, was interviewed recently about the current movement in the South Carolina legislature and stressed the importance of teacher training. Read More.

2013 Conference Audio Recordings & Handouts


Were you unable to attend the conference this past year? Or maybe you missed something one of the presenters said? The audio recordings and corresponding handouts from the 64th Annual IDA Conference for Professionals and 2nd Annual IDA Conference for Families are available on our website. Read More.

Interview: IDA Past President Harley Tomey  

IDA’s Historical Archives Committee took on the task of videotaping interviews of all the previous IDA Presidents who are still alive. A previous Vice-president, Louisa Moats, was also interviewed.  The interviews were carried out at the 2012 Annual Conference in Baltimore. Members of the committee conducted the interviews. They are: Wilson Anderson, Karen Dakin, Marcia Henry, Amy Lawrence, Martha Renner, and Mark Westervelt. Mark provided the technical support for the videotaping. The videos, starting with Drake Duane, MD., appear in The Examiner. This month we have Mark Westervelt interviewing Harley Tomey, III. Thank you to all who made these videos, so rich in IDA history, as well as rich in the history of the field of dyslexia, possible. Click Here to view Harley’s interview.  Click Here to view the Past-Presidents Video Library. 

Examiner Editor: Nancy Cushen White, Ed.D., Learning Specialist, Clinical Professor University of California, San Francisco and Past IDA National Board Member
Examiner Social Media Editor/Strategist: Carolyn D. Cowen, M.Ed., Founding Board Member, Literate Nation
Examiner Managing Editor: Kristen L. Penczek, M.A., IDA Interim Executive Director

Examiner Assistant Managing Editor: Lauren Klinedinst, IDA Conference Coordinator 


If you have a recommendation for an article topic, or wish to provide an article in its entirety for consideration to appear in a future issue, please email  info@interdys.org

The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) is pleased to present a forum for information to 
benefit its constituents. It is IDA’s policy to not recommend or endorse any specific program,

product, institution, company, or instructional material, noting that there are a number of such
that present the critical components of instruction as defined by 

IDA’s Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading. Any program, product, institution, company, 
or instructional material carrying the IDA Recognized seal meets the IDA Standards.  

Opinions expressed in Examiner articles and/or via links do not necessarily reflect those of IDA.


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  Baltimore, MD  21204

  phone: 800-222-3123

  fax: 410-321-5069
