Mom Brings Structured Literacy to Vero Beach

In 2004, Liz Woody’s son, Mason, was in the third grade, had dyslexia and had not learned to read.  She moved her family from Vero Beach to Baltimore and enrolled him in the Odyssey School.  There, she discovered a different approach to reading instruction that changed Mason’s life.

Inspired by this success, Liz went back to school and earned a Masters in learning disabilities and returned to Vero Beach.  There with the help of philanthropist, Ray Oglethorpe, she convinced local teachers and school to train themselves in Structured Literacy.   The early results show a 10% improvement in reading scores.

In Florida, two-thirds of all fourth graders are reading below grade level.  But in Vero Beach they have a new goal:  have 90% of their students reading above grade level by 2018 .   Click here to see the PBS Newshour report.

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