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Examiner, Volume 8, Issue 4
December 2019
By Deborah Lynam
Every student needs and deserves access to reading instruction that is evidence-based, and every teacher needs and deserves access to professional development and training that is grounded in the science of reading. Momentum has been building at a steady pace. Journalists have been spotlighting a need for change in national mainstream media outlets. Parents and students have been calling for change by publishing open letters to their state education officials. Teachers have been speaking out publicly about the gaps in their preparation programs and asking for change.
Every student needs and deserves access to reading instruction that is evidence-based, and every teacher needs and deserves access to professional development and training that is grounded in the science of reading.
Advocacy is about change, but what is an advocate to do when faced with pervasive resistance? Advocates for evidence-based reading instruction have seen this resistance to change manifest itself in many ways—from the inertia of school-based curriculum committees to subversive comments from faculty members at institutions of higher education to outright rebellion in the form of blog posts, white papers, and social media rants by passionate opponents. The best recommendation for advocates of change is to understand the common, predictable sources of resistance and to strategize a path forward. Here are a few insights about strategies to help influence and move policy.
One Interaction Changes Nothing: Pursue a Common Cause
Influencing policy at any level is not a one-and-done deal. One conversation with a local board of education member about the science of reading changes nothing at the local level. One interaction with a state legislator will not magically produce a committed champion for literacy in the statehouse. Policy change takes time and requires a seat at the communal table.
Policy change takes time and requires a seat at the communal table.
Acknowledge the Fear: Adjust the Message
Policymakers in positions of power, such as principals, superintendents, and board of education members, are uncomfortable with vocal, well-prepared and well-organized advocates. They fear change. They fear the pushback. They fear the potential loss of control, and the possibility of looking bad or uninformed. Savvy advocates acknowledge these fears and know how to adjust their message accordingly. They tone down the rhetoric, leaving room for those affected by change to make choices, share opinions, and take on ownership. They see the benefits in assuming good intentions and listening actively.
When calls for evidence-based reading instruction elicit responses like “This is just another attempt to blame teachers, to belittle the teaching profession, to push for misguided one–size–fits–all reading instruction,” that is fear. The prospect of change interferes with autonomy and can make people feel they are losing control within their chosen fields. Smart advocates realize that hostile and aggressive interactions only serve to make people more defensive and do not advance the cause.
Effective advocacy efforts mobilize people’s energy into real world actions designed to improve reading outcomes for all students.
In fact, aggressive advocacy produces much the same result as passive complacency; they both fall flat. Effective advocacy efforts mobilize people’s energy into real world actions designed to improve reading outcomes for all students. People need to be inspired into making individual commitments in support of larger collective change.
There Are No Shortcuts: Establish Credibility Over Time
When a goal is worth achieving, there are no short cuts. All stakeholders involved in reaching the goal must have the courage and the willingness to do the hard work. Engaged advocates who are aware of what it takes to establish—and more importantly—to implement informed literacy policy know that it takes persistence.
Making the time to build rapport and cultivate working relationships with a wide variety of stakeholders is vital. Advocates must consistently show up and follow up, build in real time for conversation and offer reasonable solutions. They must share the knowledge, experiences, and stories that decision-makers need to hear. In order to establish credibility over time, advocates learn to push back artfully while identifying common ground. They are selective in their asks and know how to signal when they are going to press an issue. They spend more time on solutions than problems, and they know how to use questioning to guide discussions (e.g., “Help me to understand…”).
Advocates can play a vital role in influencing and bringing about both policy and social change. It is important to acknowledge, however, that resistance is common, especially when people with vested interests feel rattled and threatened by potential changes. Personal interactions and relationships can transform institutions and positions over time and result in profound and long-term positive consequences for society.
Deborah Lynam is the Director of Partnerships & Engagement at AIM Institute for Learning & Research and currently serves on the Family Engagement Advisory Board for the National Center on Improving Literacy. She chairs the NJ State Special Education Advisory Council and is a founding member of Decoding Dyslexia–NJ.
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