The Examiner Team regrets the recent passing of Jean Foss, M. Ed., at age 75. In 1994, Jean was the President of the New England Branch of what was then the Orton Dyslexia Society. She was the Director of Clinical Teaching and Research at Pine Ridge School in Vermont. She created Performance Objectives for the Orton-Gillingham Approach with pretests and posttests and criteria for mastery of each objective. When Pine Ridge closed, Jean joined the staff of the Stern Center.
Jean was an active Orton/IDA member and supporter and presented at many IDA conferences for decades. She was one of the Founding Fellows of the Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators when it was created in 1995. She served as its Vice President. She is survived by her daughter, Wendy Foss Canning, who follows in her mother’s footsteps, and a son, David Cushing Foss.
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