Mary Jo O’Neill and the Cold Cleveland Half Marathon

For the past three months I have been training for the half marathon in San Diego. Due to our family schedule my husband and I had to regroup and change our plans to the Cleveland’s half marathon. Participating in this event has been a learning curve. Rallying our team, fundraising and training has been an experience. 

On Sunday May 15th at 5:00am my husband and I drove downtown; with snow on our car. Snowy Car

As we walked to the starting line with the other runners the sun did peek out. When we reached the 3rd mile it started to rain, hail and snow. In that order. When I saw the lightning I knew we were crazy. John saw a waterspout as he was running across the bridge to the finish line. 

The last time it was this cold in Cleveland on May 15th was 1906.  OG Math would tell me that was 110 years ago. 

Go TeamQuest!!

Mary Jo O'Neill

Mary Jo O’Neill, M. Ed.

Parent Advocate