Symposium Chair: Elsa Cardenas-Hagan, Ed.D., Valley Speech, Language and Learning Center-Brownsville, Texas Institute for Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics (TIMES), The University of Houston
English learners are one of the fastest growing student populations in the public school system of the United States. The implementation of appropriate instruction, valid assessments and effective interventions has been a major concern for more than 3 decades for this population of students. It has been reported that English learners are both under-represented and over-represented for reading and learning disorders (Limbos & Geva, 2001, Cummins, 1984, 1991) This symposium addresses evidence-based literacy instruction for English learners and the special considerations necessary for valid assessments and interventions. The Chairperson will introduce each speaker and provide an overview of the topics to be addressed within the session. The first speaker (Dr. David Francis) will provide an overview of the research on assessments and valid test accommodations for English learners. The second group of speakers (Dr. Coleen Carlson and Dr. Elsa Cardenas-Hagan) will provide a description and the outcomes of literacy instruction and interventions for English language learners in the early elementary school years. Recommendations for well-designed treatment in English and Spanish will be provided with modeling of the techniques which support first and second language and literacy development. The third speaker (Dr. Maria Carlo) will provide an overview of her extensive research regarding the relationship of oral language, vocabulary development and reading comprehension among English learners. Participants will learn how to intervene and improve English learners’ language, vocabulary and comprehension abilities.
Assessments, Accommodations and Reliable Identification of Reading Disabilities among English Learners
David Francis, Ph.D., Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Distinguished Professor, Director, Texas Institute for Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics (TIMES), Department of Psychology, The University of Houston
In this session, participants will learn the special considerations that are necessary during the assessment process for English language learners. Data gathering procedures and cross-linguistic measures will be discussed. In addition, research on test accommodations and recommendations for determining which ones are appropriate for use with the specific types of tests will be included. Participants will understand current research and recommendations for the reliable identification of reading disabilities among English learners.
Effective Literacy Instruction and Interventions among English Learners
Elsa Cardenas-Hagan, Ed.D and Coleen D. Carlson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Texas Institute for Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics (TIMES), Department of Psychology, The University of Houston
This session will discuss research regarding effective language and literacy instruction among English learners. Longitudinal research for literacy interventions among English learners in the early elementary school years will be included. Educators will understand the role of phonological awareness for the development of literacy in Spanish and English. Research regarding the appropriate skills necessary for phonics and fluency instruction among students learning in two languages will also be discussed. Participants will also learn techniques for incorporating quick mini-lessons for vocabulary and oral language development. Instructors will be provided with recommendations for well-designed interventions in English and Spanish which include techniques that support first and second language and literacy development.
Oral Language, Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension for English Learners: From Research to Practice
Maria S. Carlo, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Texas Health Science Center, Department of Psychology, The University of Houston
This session will discuss research regarding the relationship between oral language, vocabulary and reading comprehension among English learners. Participants will learn techniques for the selection of vocabulary words and how to scaffold language production during instruction. Participants will also learn how these techniques are utilized for Developing Talkers/Hablamos Juntos, a tiered intervention for oral language development.