3 Things to Know About Common Core

Ever wondered how a diagnosis of dyslexia is treated within Common Core State Standards (CCSS)? The Application to Students with Disabilities highlights key issues related to students with disabilities and provides important guidance to both parents and school staff assisting students with dyslexia.


Common Core makes these three key points:


  • Support and related services are required to meet the unique needs of students and to enable their access to the general education curriculum (IDEA 34 CFRß300.34)
  • Teachers and specialized instructional support personnel need to be prepared and qualified to deliver high-quality, evidence-based, individualized instruction and support services
  • An Individualized Education Program (IEP) that includes annual goals needs to be aligned with and chosen to facilitate their attainment of grade-level academic standards Common Core State Standards and Students with Disabilities


For a complete look at CCSS, please see the IDA Fact Sheet.


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