IDA Announces the First Annual Sylvia Richardson Symposium

Language Basis of Reading and WritingFull-Day Symposium,
November 7, 2019, Portland, Oregon
Tiffany P. Hogan, Chairperson
Speakers include Hugh Catts, Charles Haynes, Tiffany Hogan, Leslie Laud
Sylvia Richardson at Conference

Sylvia Richardson at the 2009 IDA Conference

The focus of this full-day symposium is new findings related to the language basis of reading and the neurodiversity of dyslexia with application for classification of poor readers and improving comprehension and writing. The symposium is the first annual, pre-conference symposium to honor Sylvia Richardson and her significant contributions to IDA. Time will be dedicated at the beginning of the symposium to pay tribute to her extensive contributions to research and practice in dyslexia. 



Watch our tribute to Sylvia Richardson, IDA Pioneer, here.

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