During this challenging time for our global community, the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) continues our work to create a future for all individuals who struggle with dyslexia and other related reading differences so that they may have richer, more robust lives and access to the tools and resources they need. In that spirit, we will continue to share resources from IDA and other organizations on a regular basis on the homepage of our website and via social media channels that we hope will be useful to our stakeholders. We know that everyone is working above and beyond during this crisis to make sure that the important work of providing reading instruction to all continues. As an organization, we are committed to doing our part and helping in any way that we can. One way we can help today is by sharing a link to our provider directory and contact information for our branches and global partners so that you can find help in your local community. Stay tuned for more resources in the coming days. We welcome your suggestions for other ways to help. You can reach out to us at info@DyslexiaIDA.org with questions.
Find more resources for home teaching, learning and fun with this helpful list from Literacy How.
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