TeamQuest Tuesday Kick-Off : Win a Fitbit!

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Win a Fitbit Flex®!

If you’re registered for TeamQuest and raise the most money between now and Tuesday, April 5, 2016, you will win a Fitbit Flex®!

Get creative and have fun!

  • Use social media to your advantage. Social media is one of the easiest ways to spread the word about your TeamQuest endeavor! 
  • Send personalized e-mails. It’s time to remind your Aunt Darlene about that day you cleaned her gutters…maybe she’ll match your generosity.
  • Host a cooking party! Your friends and family will finally have a chance to learn your secret lasagna recipe if they donate to your cause!
  • Let your donors curate your race day playlist…$10 = 1 song. 
  • Got talent? Use it! Trade your talents for donations, whether it’s singing a song or creating a custom piece of art. 
  • Celebrating a birthday or anniversary? Ask for donations to your TeamQuest cause instead of presents. 
  • Remind people why raising money for dyslexia is important to YOU. You joined TeamQuest for a reason—share it.

Don’t forget to check out your TeamQuest Athlete Handbook for more fundraising tips, sample donation request letters, and fun training exercises. 

We’re looking forward to seeing your fundraising ideas! Share them using #MyTeamQuest

Good luck!

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