Wilson Language Training: Wilson Reading System Introductory Course

Wilson Reading System® (WRS) Introductory Courses provide an overview of the Wilson Reading System Fourth Edition curriculum and serve as the prerequisite for WRS Level I Certification, which makes one eligible for the Wilson® Dyslexia Practitioner (W.D.P.) credential. Currently offered in a virtual, instructor-led format, this course addresses: the process of identifying appropriate students; WRS […]

Summer Conversation #1 – OGA Fellows Janet Street and Natalie Felix chat about Demystifying the Written Language

Free Virtual Event Virtual Event

Kick back, relax, and enjoy the first of our Summer Conversation Series. 6:00-6:45 pm. We are giving these two logophiles an additional 15 minutes. 🙂 Register HERE.  It’s TIME for our first summer chat! This Wednesday join Jovial Janet Street and her guest, the delightful Novaturient* Natalie Felix, for “Unlocking the Fun of Word Study.” […]
