Adults With Dyslexia Support Group This is a virtual support group that meets on the last Monday of every month from 7-8pm. Registration is free and required to receive the Zoom link.
Register: DESCRIPTION – Wednesday, March 29, 2023 (#4 in the Series) Building Students’ Word Knowledge: How to Teach Essential Words Attendees will learn the importance of providing vocabulary instruction across content areas (i.e., English language arts/reading, social studies, science, mathematics) and the role of word knowledge for students’ reading comprehension. First, the presenter will […]
Join us Thursday, March 30, from 7:00-8:15pm for a free Webinar & Q&A Discussion Sponsored by the Massachusetts Branch IDA Hosted by Patrick Archambault, Angela Ayre, Dinan Messiqua, and Kristine Burgess. Dyslexia is a life-long neurological difference in the way the human brain processes information. Adults having an undiagnosed and untreated case of dyslexia […]
The 2023 RISE Conference is an opportunity for attendees to participate in professional development and engage in meaningful discussions about best-practices in literacy instruction. “Empowered Reading” means feeling confident and capable with literacy teaching and learning. TN-IDA’s mission is to support every Tennessee student with access to quality literacy instruction and interventions by equipping educators […]
CASINO NIGHT 2023 – COME AND PLAY FOR LITERACY COME AND PLAY CASINO NIGHT GAMES! Proceeds benefit the Tri-County Branch’s efforts at supporting literacy. Click here for a printed flyer regarding our Casino Night CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Location: Riverside Temple Beth El (corner of Victoria Avenue) 2675 Central Avenue, Riverside Ca 92506 When: […]
In-Person. No cost. Register HERE. The Schenck School and ReadSource invite you to an informative presentation by noted literacy expert Dr. Margie Gillis. In this presentation, Dr. Gillis will explain why a student’s ability to read and write depends on their teachers’ knowledge of language. This knowledge informs structured literacy instruction, an approach that provides […]
Professional Dyslexia Network meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm via Zoom. Professional Dyslexia Network – Join Us! Hosted by IDA-Oregon A live monthly chat space for adults living with dyslexia to connect, learn from each other, and share resources. For Individuals 18+ with dyslexia, but will be inclusive to all learning […]
April 6th – Community Chat with Cigdem Knebel, founder of Simple Words Books! Decodable Books for Striving Readers In this Community Chat, Cigdem will discuss what decodable books are, including some of their critical features and benefits. You will also learn how to determine the scope and sequence and why your STRIVING readers will love […]
DDIG – “Positively Supporting LD Students” Monday, April 10, 2022 7:00 – 8:30 pm CST Mary Kohnle examines the positive qualities of students with dyslexia and other learning differences. I will share ways to reach the student through positive affirmations, relationship building, selecting interventions, and providing accommodations. Multiple resources will be included. Let’s lift […]
A seminar led by dyslexia expert, Brenda Fitzgerald, to discuss the origin, characteristics, remediation, and accommodations for dyslexia. Register HERE: Brenda Fitzgerald, Ed.S, SLDP, is the Director of the Georgia Educational Training Agency and is one of the founders of GRACEPOINT School. Her expertise and knowledge have helped countless families as they walk through their […]
Reaching Students with LD and ADHD, What’s Working and How to Make it Better Presented by Dr. Jerome Schultz About the Presenter: For nearly four decades, Dr. Schultz specialized in the neuropsychological assessment and treatment of children and young adults with learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other special needs. He has served as […]
How Am I Learning? Early Indicators of Later Literacy Learning & the Impact on Early Intervention with Lucy Hart Paulson, EdD, CCC-SLP At the University of Portland campus Registration Opens January 2023
The Milwaukee Admirals Hockey team is having a Dyslexia Awareness game. Sunday, April 16th. Game starts at 5pm but there will be some pre-game activities. More information on that to come. This game is for everyone, not just those who have dyslexia. There will be plenty of children with dyslexia attending the game as well. […]
This is a virtual support group that meets on the third Thursday of every month from 7-8pm. Registration is free and required to receive the Zoom link. Register here
Adults With Dyslexia Support Group This is a virtual support group that meets on the last Monday of every month from 7-8pm. Registration is free and required to receive the Zoom link. Register here
It’s almost time to conquer those final exams, but studying doesn’t have to be frustrating if you have strategies to help you. You are invited to our first 2023 IDA-GA Teen Talk webinar where you will hear the IDA-GA teen board members share what they deem tried and true study tips. Audience: teens, parents, tutors […]
No cost. Reserve your spot HERE. Unlike language, most children do not “naturally” learn to read, where they pick it up simply by being around it. Evidence shows the majority of children require explicit instruction in how to learn to read. Surrounding a child with books is not enough to instill a love of literature; […]
Professional Dyslexia Network meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm via Zoom. Professional Dyslexia Network – Join Us! Hosted by IDA-Oregon A live monthly chat space for adults living with dyslexia to connect, learn from each other, and share resources. For Individuals 18+ with dyslexia, but will be inclusive to all learning […]
Webinar registration is FULL! If you would like to be added to a waitlist, please email This is a two-part webinar (two 90-minute sessions). Working memory is the retention of a small amount of information in a readily accessible form. It facilitates planning, comprehension, reasoning, and problem-solving (Cowan, 2017). Working memory […]