The IDA Council of Advisors consists of Samuel T. Orton Award recipients, recognized scholars in the field of dyslexia, and individuals eminent in other fields pertinent to the affairs and concerns of the Association.
- Marilyn Jager Adams, Ph.D.
- C. Wilson Anderson, Jr., MAT, F/AOGPE
- Dirk J. Bakker, Ph.D.
- Virginia W. Berninger, Ph.D.
- Susan Brady, Ph.D.
- Hugh Catts, Ph.D.
- Martha Denckla, M.D.
- Drake D. Duane, M.D.
- Jack M. Fletcher, Ph.D.
- Uta Frith, Ph.D.
- Albert M. Galaburda, M.D.
- Edith Klasen, Ph.D.
- C. K. Leong, Ph.D.
- G. Reid Lyon, Ph.D.
- John McLeod, Ph.D.
- Louisa Moats, Ed.D.
- Bruce Pennington, Ph.D.
- Hollis S. Scarborough, Ph.D.
- Bennett A. Shaywitz, M.D.
- Sally E. Shaywitz, M.D.
- Gordon F. Sherman, Ph.D.
- Margaret Snowling, Ph.D.
- Joseph K. Torgesen, Ph.D.
- Beverly Wolf, M.Ed.
- Maryanne Wolf, Ed.D.